is shiftwork?
Modern society needs a certain number of people to work during hours that are outside the normal working days of Monday to Friday, and the normal working times of 9a.m. to 5p.m. This could mean early or late work, night work or working at weekends. These various work schedules are generally referred to as shiftwork. How many people do you know that do shiftwork? Some people need to do shiftwork for essential jobs like the emergency services - firefighters and hospital workers. Others need to work outside normal hours to keep manufacturing processes going, such as at chemical plants and oil refineries, which cannot just be turned off at the end of the day. Many other types of businesses are now
operating over 24 hours, such as airports, supermarkets and bars. Some people
must do shiftwork as part of their job, while others choose these working times to fit in with family life and child-care, or
because there is extra pay for shiftwork. |
Reference Grandjean, E (1993) Fitting the task to the man. London: Taylor & Francis ISBN 0850663792 |
Acknowledgements Katrina Swain |